Friday, April 20, 2007

God is Good!

I have to tell you, I was running late again this morning getting my son to school. I asked God to please help us to be on time. I surely didn't deserve any special treatment, since I have fallen into repetative sins time and time again lately. But God provided as we pulled into the school parking lot at the last bell. whew! It was a close as you can get.
Then I headed home to start my day. I returned some phone calls, did a favor for my hubby, loaded my car with cleaning supplies, ran to the store for a few more, then headed to pick up a prescription for my daughter. Today I was begining a new cleaning job and the first time always takes longer than normal, I prayed again as I was cleaning and asked God to once again provide me with more time as I didn't want to be late picking up my son from school. This job was definately taking longer than anticipated. Well, it turns out I was alloted more time due to a great lady offering to watch my son until I got there. I am so thankful for that help. I surely didn't want to leave a bad impression on the first day, or have to come back another day just to finish up. So God once again provided what I needed. I need to remember this more often, God provides for us one way or another. I'm so happy that I have Him to lean on.
God is soooooo Good!

1 comment:

Luanne said...

Yea--you are a blog-sista!! Thanks for sharing what God is doing in your life.
Bloggin' for Jesus,