Thursday, April 26, 2007

I hear God

God spoke to me through my friend. She is so precious to me, I take what she says seriously, so I know that God uses her to speak to me important truths. He knows I'll listen. I have been stuck in a spiritual rut. Felt like I couldn't move almost like something or someone was physically, spiritually and emotionally holding me back. I hadn't been reading emails from friends, reading God's word, barely even praying to Him. I was so down, but to my rescue came God in the form of my friend. He sent her to speak to me and let me know that He cares, that there is hope for all the areas in my life which I struggle. He points out to me the next area in which I need to focus and work on. These things are always followed up by signs showing me that this is true. After we prayed, I immediately felt the weight of despair lifted off of me. I already had hope. It was amazing. I am continually reviewing our conversation and prayers over and over in my head. I at one point made my friend broke my heart that I made her so sad, but when I looked at her again, it wasn't her I saw. It was Jesus weeping for me. He so desperately wants me to be free from my sins. I will never forget that night. I don't want to do things that will sadden my Lord. After my friend left, I read a chapter in a book she had left for me. In that God also spoke, and reminded me that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and what I do with my body I also do unto the Lord. It said that if I continued in my sin, it was the same as commiting the most vile act against God. I so desperately don't want to do that. I love the Lord and am committed to picking myself up and trying again to gain freedom from my sin. I thank the Lord for sending me a friend that I can be completely open and honest with. Someone whom I can share all my sins with and they still love me and help me. God knows what we need and when we need it. His love never fails.

1 comment:

Luanne said...

I am so happy to read your post and know that you are hearing God and experiencing His hope!!
God is so good...and I love the faith that you have for Him!